Jesus, the Witness

May 5, 2024    Brent Summerhill

BIG Idea: There is no excuse for rejecting Jesus.

The Witnesses to Jesus | 5:31-40

1. John the Baptist (31-35).

People reject Jesus because he is not the savior they _______________.

2. The works Jesus was doing (36).

People reject Jesus because he will not ______________ to their ______________.

3. The Father, Himself (37-38).

People reject Jesus because in their _______________, they are deaf, blind, and unreceptive

4. The Scriptures (39-40).

People reject Jesus because they twist Scripture to ______________ themselves.

True witnesses establish ____________ and eliminate _____________, but cannot compel ____________ .

The Witnesses Against the Religious Leaders | 5:41-47

1. Their own glory. (41-44)

If it’s about _______________, it’s not about _______________.

2. Moses. (45-47)

If it’s about your _______________, it’s not about _______________.